Welcome to Rotary Club of Morro Bay!
Morro Bay

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We meet In Person
Tuesdays at 11:45 p.m.
Moro Grange Hall #27
1340 Atascadero Rd.
Morro Bay, CA 93442
United States of America
(805) 748-9615
We hold meetings on the 1st, 3rd, and 4th Tues of each month. On the 2nd Tues of each month, we host a "Rotary Bump Night" at local restaurants.
Members of Morro Bay Rotary Club with District Governor Sherry Sims on 10-15-24
Service Awards from District Governor Sherry Sims
District Governor Sherry Sims welcomes Gail Riley to Morro Bay Rotary
A Paul Harris Fellow for Katherine Zotovich from her hubby Pete Zotovich (on the right) Pat, John and Sherry Sims District Governor.
Rotarian of the Year 2023-24 - Mike Gerson 
A Paul Harris Fellow for Gary Stoner
Rotary Cake
Photos of Dan Costley's Stepdown
Looks like fun!
Passing the Gavel
Morro Bay Heroes 
Jeremiah O'Brien accepting for Trudy O'Brien - Sponsor Dan Costley
Richard Weiss sponsored by his son John Weiss
David Ryal sponsored by John Weiss
Heidi LoCascio sponsored by Jude Long
Ken Vesterfelt sponsored by Doc Kleckner
Nanci Teter sponsored by her husband Pat Teter
Eve Vigil sponsored by Gary Stoner
Chad Nicholson sponsored by Tim Olivas
New DG Sherry Sim with Jude and Heidi
Heroes and Sponsors-- Morro Bay Rotary 2024
Photos of the Car Show 2024
RYLA Students at Morro Bay High School Presentation 4-23-2024.
Scott Astrosky giving award to Olivia Winterfeldt for 3rd Place District Essay Winner!
John Weiss, Jessica Weiss, Scott Astrosky, Winners, Principal Scott Schalde, Scott Collins and his daughter.
John Weiss and RYLA Students
For RYLA weekend, Duane Garrett and John Weiss had the opportunity to drive down 11 MBHS RYLA students to camp Ramah in Ojai. They met at the Los Osos Ralph's parking lot at 7 am--all students, parents, and Rick Robinette of the Los Osos Rotary Club (which also provided a Honda Odyssey courtesy of Michelle Carretto, past Club President). 
Pat Teter and John Weiss braved the rain on that rainy Saturday to pick up 4 MBHS RYLA graduates and attend the Closing Ceremony - WOW!!!
Kim Cade Speaks at American Brain Foundation - Commitment to Cures Fundraiser in Denver, Co 4-13-24
On Saturday, April 13th Rotary Secretary Kim Cade gave an inspiring speech about her two brothers who suffer from a  gene mutation condition with a long name and the initials of ALSP (Look it up!). Kim's speech told the heartbreaking story of how her brothers suffered with misdiagnosis until finally being tagged with ALSP. Kim also has the gene that causes this disabling disease but is not symptomatic from it. While there is some limited treatment, there is no cure for this disease that leaves its victims unable to walk, speak and do the ordinary things of life that we take for granted. You can search YouTube for Kim Cade ABF Speech-ALSP to see and hear Kim's speech. See photos below.
Kim Cade with Cynthia Cassandra, VP of Vigil Neuroscience and Dr. Wszolek who discovered the gene mutation for ALSP at American Brain Foundation Fundraiser in Denver, Colorado 4-13-24
Kim Cade and Cam Howard of the Steelers at American Brain Foundation fundraiser in Denver, Colorado 4-13-24
Heidi Edwards, President & Founder of Sister of Hope and Kim Cade at American Brain Foundation fundraiser in Denver, Colorado 4-13-24
SLO Noor Foundation March 26, 2024
Ted Malpass of the SLO Noor Foundation did a program on March 26th. This nonprofit offers free medical, dental, and vision care to the uninsured adults in San Luis Obispo County and Northern Santa Barbara County,
Grizzly Youth Academy April 9, 2024
Sgt. Angel Salcido offered MB Rotary an informative program on the Grizzly Youth Academy that is located on the adjacent grounds of the California National Guard in San Luis Obispo. This is a free 5-1/2 month residential program of leadership training within a quasi-military environment with an onsite Charter school. The program operates with the San Luis CA National Guard and the San Luis Obispo County Board of Education. Credit deficient or children from 16 to 18 who are at risk of dropping out of high school are eligible. They must be drug free and legal residents. These youngsters participate in rigorous physical training along with classes and can earn 60+ high school credits. They leave the program with their GED and are either college ready or with good career explorations. There are also scholarship opportunities available. Most graduates go on to higher education or good entry level jobs. Some go into the military. Angel walked the audience through the application for attending emphasizing that parents must be involved in the process.
Peace Talk in February with the Uke Ladies of Morro Bay
UkeLadies performing for Peace program February 6, 2024
Ruth Ann Angus giving peace talk on Love February 6th
Award winning Ukeladies Morro Bay at Rotary Peace Program February 6th
Lunch and a Tour -- MB Police Dept.
On January 30th the Rotary Club of Morro Bay was treated to a great BBQ lunch and tour of the Morro Bay Police Department. Commander Tony Mosqueda was Chef for the day and cooked up some great Harris Ranch hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill along with baked beans, potato salad and lettuce and tomato salad. While we enjoyed our lunch, Chief Amy Watkins brought us up to date with the state of the department and a bit about her personal sports history. 
A check is presented to Kate Bravante, Director of the Morro Bay High School Choir at our Holiday Celebration 12/12/23
Morro Bay High School Choir entertains us at our Holiday Celebration
Hearing from one of the members of the Morro Bay High School Choir.
Sunshine Spreaders of Del Mar Elementary making Peace Pickets
Sunshine Spreaders of Del Mar Elementary making Peace Pickets
Sunshine Spreaders of Del Mar Elementary making Peace Pickets
Peace Prevails with the Del Mar Peacekeepers Sunshine Spreaders Thanks to Morro Bay Rotary
 Ten 4th graders at the Del Mar Elementary School welcomed me on November 2nd to tell me (Ruth Ann) about their new club the “Sunshine Spreaders.” Wearing lanyards inscribed with the words Del Mar Peacekeepers they told me they have the desire to “change the world.” After seeing the Peace Picket that I brought along with me as a gift to the group, they decided they would like to construct more of them to sell as a Holiday Project. I ordered in all the supplies for them to make up 24 Peace Pickets and they got busy!
Susan Stephens, their faculty coordinator said the kids had a blast doing this and it is evident from the results of the brightly painted and decorated pickets. Sales have been brisk since they set up a table in the lobby of the school and now plans are to keep this peace project going even after the holiday season. Hopes are to blanket Morro Bay (and maybe other towns too) with a Peace Picket in every yard. The kids thank Morro Bay Rotary for sponsoring this project!
-Ruth Ann Angus
Peacebuilder Chairperson
Peace Day at Kid's Club
On International Peace Day in September Peacebuilder Chairperson Ruth Ann Angus and Interact/Youthact Adviser Jessica Weiss went to the Morro Bay Kid's Club and joined with kids ages 5 through 8 doing a special art project. The kids used photos from Rotary magazines and stickers and other art pieces that emphasized nonviolence and peace designing a Peace Blanket. The blanket is being produced at a photo lab and will be an auction item for the Morro Bay Rotary Club to bid on. Then it will be sent somewhere in the world to some needy child who needs a blanket to keep warm sleeping at night. These are the community peace projects that this Rotary club is concentrating on for this year. Stay tuned and check back for new information on Morro Bay Rotary Club Peacebuilder Projects coming soon!
Past President
International Serv
Community Service
Vocational Service
Public Relations
Club Program Chair
Youth Service
Club Foundation
Interact/Youthact Advisor
RYLA Coordinator
The Rotary Foundation
Youth Exchange
Peace Chair
February 2025
Rotary Drive Through BBQ March 26, 2025