Jack Smith was our presentation on Tuesday and it was a presentation to remember.  Jack started us off with a video of his original exploration in 1984 when he and three other friends skateboarded across the U.S.  What an adventure!!!  Jack in the picture above is holding a electric skateboard that he retraced the original route with years later.  Jack then enlightened us on his latest adventure of driving an Electrified Volkswagon van across the US with Mike Adamski.  Mike and Jack's long time friend Larry Newland were also in attendance.  Jack and Mike are actually starting the adventure the first week of May.  If you want to follow them, click on the link, to track them across the U.S. on their Facebook page.  https://www.facebook.com/An-Electric-Tribute-to-Americas-First-Road-Trip-and-The-Lincoln-Highway-100581362575101
Picture of Larry Newman holding the original skateboard Jack used in 1984, Mike Adamski, and Jack Smith holding his electric board.