Posted by Elsie Casida


ROTARY MEETING…August 1,2017…….

Invocation:   Ken Stilts

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag:  Matt Franklin

Song:  Take Me Out to the Ball Game

Joke:   Pete

Visiting Rotarians:   Mary Helen and Kathleen from Palm Desert…  Heidi’s son, Noah…  Claire Grantham… Linda Costly…  Lorraine’s friend, Pete Starlings…  Matt Vierra, new MB Fire Marshall….

Fines:   Dan for $10.00, Birthday fines, Ken, Mike, Judy and Jude…  Mike and Kens to be paid by Pete since he forgot them.  

John Weiss is out of the hospital…. Had an eight pound mass removed…. Please call before coming to visit…. He will need lots of rest.  

Jill was awarded a Paul Harris Fellow from the Club.   Heidi received a pin, Ken Stilts, who gave Heidi her PHF,  received a pin.

Jack Barrett became an Honorary member last Saturday …voted on by the Rotary Board.

Rotary survey came out this week…. Please take this 2 minute survey. 

Jamie passed around the signup list for the Margarita Festival…  please sign up if you haven’t. 

Don passed out flyers for the Harbor Festival.   They can always use help.

Don and Dan are co chairing the Lighted Boat Parade…  they need help.  

Jude mentioned the Rotary Board Retreat and the Party afterwards...  where a good time was had by all.    Thanks to Pete and Kathi for hosting the first get together and party of the year. 

John Solu put his “456 Hotel” business cards on each table.   He gave us a tip on booking a hotel room….. go through the hotel rather than etc.  If you ask, you will probably get the same deal through the hotel.  He generously gave a night at the hotel to a lucky winner.         

Pete pulled a ticket for the exemption…..   The winner was Carla.

Paul Harris Fellows:   Ken explained how the quartet works.   We have two started right now.

Lorraine was thrilled to announce that her daughter had a baby girl…… 10 pound baby girl!! 

Our speaker was Martin Lomeli, Our new Interim City Manager who has lived in Morro Bay for several years.    Before retiring, he lived and worked in Laverne, where he learned about city government, and was the City Manager there.   He traveled for a few years after that and then went to LaPointe.   He applied for and was hired to be the MB Interim City Manager.    He handed out a questionnaire  with several questions and was interested in getting our input.   One of the questions was:   what is the most important situation in the City of Morro Bay?   Public streets and infrastructure are a concern.   Should we keep state water?   Economic development,   Affordable housing, Public safety services, and how we deal with the income lost due to the closing of Diablo were more concerns expressed by those present.  The City Manager should be a generalist, Someone who is approachable, listener first...  then make decisions, someone who can work with the City Council,  Rotary, Chamber, merchants, TBID, Fisherman's Association  etc.  We had a very good discussion with our new Interim City Manager and look forward to hearing from him again.

Next weeks program will be:  Police Chief Greg Allen…..see you then!!